Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Burned Fingers

Last night was less than enjoyable. It all started with Monday morning, which actually started because of Sunday night... Funny how so many things are interconnected.

Well, Sunday night we got back from a fun Easter  celebration in Fort Madison. Since Sunday night is our movie night & Evie really wanted to watch her new movie Tangled, we blew in the door, sat down on the couch & watched Tangled (which was awesome I might add). When it was over it was way past Evie's bedtime, so she went straight to bed. After which we realized Evie had not eaten dinner.

Fast forward to Monday morning. Evie wakes up lethargic & shaky. Worried that she is sick I cancel all our morning activities (which includes grocery shopping.) Turns out she was just hungry (which I realized after I stuffed her full of hard boiled eggs, oatmeal & fruit).

Now, it's Monday afternoon & I'm trying to figure out what to throw together for dinner (since I did not have the ingredients to make Gyros). We had a ton of hot dogs leftover from Evie's birthday & I had most of the ingredients to make Matt's baked beans. TaDa! Dinner! Throw together the beans, throw them in the oven. A few hours later it's dinner time. Pull out the beans, put them on the table & ask Matt to get a spoon for them.

Well, I'm in the middle of getting something or other from the kitchen when I hear this bizarre yell. Now, anyone with kids will know that yells have many different meanings. It could be a someone is in trouble, someone just did something incredibly cute, or someone is hurt... Turns out it was the latter. Matt had gone to stir the beans (which had been baked in a sauce pan) & automatically grabbed the pan's metal handle. Which was of course 325 degrees. I turned on the cold water & told him to get his hand under the water quick! Now this crazy man tells me that no, you're supposed to put warm water on a burn first... I think I need to send him to first aid training.

After icing his fingers half the evening he decides the pain isn't getting any better & headed to Urgent Care. According to the doctor Matt had 2nd degree burns & may have had 3rd degree burns if he hadn't iced  his hand so much (I bet that cold water would have helped too :P) So in conclusion, I am never cooking anything in a sauce pan in the oven again. Also, those stupid stupid beans ended up being burned (I left them in the oven too long), their current residence is the garbage can. Blah, what an evening.

1 comment:

Anna Kate said...

What a bummer of an evening! I hope your Tuesday has been much better. =)